Post kali ni adalah tag/assignment dari Mama Aleesa Rasanya berkurun lama juga la assigment ni baru disiapkan memandangkan kerja yang melambak2 n x tau bila habisnya...
Well... harus dikerjakan juga... read carefully yaah...
1. Just to turn 26 years old
2. Very interesting in craft but do no how to do
3. Like to watching .. cerita hantu.. but a little bit 'Penakut'
4. My dream to get a "Honda Jazz Car" huhuhu... insya-Allah.. amin
5. Fav food : asam laksa n cheese baked meet ball (Pizza Hut) p/s: sedap woorr..
6. I love my soul mate-Arman Shah Bin Mohamad... "semoga berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat" luv U honey....
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules in you blog.
3. Write 6 random things about yourself.
4. Tag 6 people to your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
Siap laporan...
Memandangkan kawan cyber saa masi terlalu limited, rasanya mo tag sorang jerrr... iaitu Mr. Jajal... a.k.a Atuk Ling-ling.. heheheeh... (p/s sepa erk..? mesti la MIE @ MIETOS kononnyaa..) buat tau jgn tak buat... nanti cigu marah...
Hello 2015
This is only the beginning
as I have to go through the ups & downs of life
A year of HOPE...
time to make a CHANGE.
Hello 2015..!!
Today 02...
10 years ago
gue dh wat la tag ni..
mama aleesa yg tag kat gue..
alaa.. tu dr mama aleesaa... ko bt laa lagi... baru la legolas sebanar-benarnyaa.... kakakakaka
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